Monday, October 25, 2010

Introducing - Piper

It is my pleasure to introduce you to Piper.  She's a very cute seven week old Chocolate Labrador who already has me "Puppy-Whipped."
Enjoying a walk  

Expert sleeper


  1. Oh, my, what a great little dog! And the video with the fall leaves is so neat. Being between dogs here right now, we are suckers for any dog, anywhere! Thanks for sharing your new pack member!

  2. Looked down through your blog. Cute pup, beautiful scenery, dern fine craftsmanship!

  3. Awwwwww what a cute puppy!! She will be fun to have around and play with. Jen

  4. Oh she is just darling!! So cute with her new tennis ball! When she was crying on her walk I wanted to pick her up and tell her it was ok...I just lost my best friend to cancer Oct. 1 - he was 9.6. I miss him so. Beautiful pup. ...debbie

  5. Thanks for following my blog, Mo. I joke that it's basically an "old geezer" blog, but I do have a FEW young followers. It's always interesting to see which posts get commented on and which ones don't. I look forward to following your posts.

  6. Hey Mo! Great looking blog and Piper is terrific. My wife and I love labs. Had a lot of them in the past and will be getting another one soon..Just had to put down our old girl, Dove. Thanks for following my blog.Regards..mike from maine
