Monday, May 20, 2013

Woodpeckers - Winged Termites

Typically we arrive at the Yonderosa with the expectation of an enjoyable and relaxing visit.  Seeing the wood chips on the step in those first moments certainly makes that sort of optimism challenging.

Apparently my soffit vents are good targets for Flickers.

 As are Gable Ends

I has sufficiant materials and tools to repair the shingles on the gables but I wasn't able to repair the soffits in a satisfactory way.  I will fabricate them at home and install them on my next visit.

The damage they can do is impressive.  I have taken some countermeasures that have worked for me in the past to discourage them but only time will tell if they work this time.   

Before now Free Range Cattle was the most destructive critter at the Yonderosa.  The Flickers actually bore holes large enough that Bats, Hornets and rodents could gain access.

1 comment:

  1. Are they going after wood-boring insects, by any chance?
